Public Diplomacy 20 Working Document
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by Banned User 14 years, 6 months ago
"Public Diplomacy 2.0" (PD20.org) Working Document
Public Diplomacy 2.0 (www.pd20.org) seeks to document the use of, and provide editorial commentary on web 2.0 and social media technologies in the practice of public diplomacy and cultural relations. PD 2.0.org will represent opinions and present examples from a wide range of public and private institutions from around the world. Through interviews with practitioners and thought leaders, analysis of examples in practice, how-to articles, press digests and other sourced and original content, PD 2.0.org's goal is to become a central source for information on Public Diplomacy 2.0.
Possible Content
- Interviews
- James Glassman, Former State Department U/S
- Colleen Graffy, Former State Department DAS
- Tommy Sollén, Swedish Government, Creator of VisitSweden.com
- Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner.us
- Steven Hale, Head of Engagement, Digital Diplomacy, UK FCO
- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy Magazine
- Joshua S. Fouts and/or Rita J. King, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
- John Worne, Director Strategy, British Council
- Ali Fisher, Mappa Mundi Consulting
- David Steven, River Path Associates
- Prof. Dr. Jan Melissen, director, Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme
- Prof. Nicholas Cull, USC
- Prof. Kathy Fitzpatrick, Quinnipiac University
- Dr.Geoff Pigman, Bennington College
- Daryl Copeland, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Prof. James Der Derian, Brown University
- Project Examples
- VisitSweden.com and CommunityofSweden.com
- Democracy Video Challenge, Department of State
- Digital Outreach Team, Department of State
- Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds
- Learn English Second Life Island
- Twitter press conference with Israeli Consulate
- Be Berlin (Sei Berlin)
- European Commission public diplomacy campaigns
- Event Calendar (Google calendar)
- Background Information
- Media digest (e.g, "Elsewhere" link roll; Delicious bookmarks)
- Books, magazines
- Tools review (looking at Facebook, YouTube, etc and their usefulness for PD, with examples)
- Practitioners: Who's who in PD 2.0?
- How-to articles
- Various Existing Content
- Material from DarrenKrape.com
- ...?
Content Launch List
- Feature 1: What is Public Diplomacy 2.0? Crowd-sourced definition, seeded by PD2.0 staff members and prominent individuals in the field. (see below) Also, crowd-sourced mission statement.
- Feature 2: ?
- 4/5 Launch Articles:
- Welcome to PD20, about, meet the staff, the goals of the site, etc (everyone)
- Use of social media in the Gaza conflict (Darren)
- Cultural Relations on the web (Andrew)
- City-driven PD [vice country], e.g. Sei Berlin campaign (Katie)
- Voluntourism as PD (Katie)
- Engaging developing nations' population through PD (Lauren)
- Collaborative PD in government(Lauren)
- Delicious feed
- Calendar
- "Required Reads" (also delicious, based on tag "requiredread")
Possible Partners and Content Sources
The primary audience of PD20.org is international public diplomacy practitioners in government, NGOs and businesses. They will either be actively engaged in public diplomacy or supporting PD projects of other organizations.
Major milestones:
- Design, first comp: Early March
- Design, complete: Mid March
- Launch content complete: Late March
- Site ready for launch: Late March
- Testing: Late March/Early April
- Launch: Early April
Have this evolve with user contributions.
- Cultural Diplomacy
- Technology Types
- Blogs
- Micro-blogs
- Virtual Worlds
- Social Networks
- ...?
Definitions of Public Diplomacy 2.0
Darren Krape (www.darrenkrape.com): Public diplomacy 2.0 is the use of new media (web 2.0, social media) to listen, engage and influence foreign publics, either by a government (public diplomacy) or by citizens (citizen diplomacy) in order to create a favorable environment for achieving national security, political, cultural and economic objectives. (Liberally stolen borrowed from http://mountainrunner.us/2008/11/defining_public_diplomacy.html)
Public Diplomacy 20 Working Document
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